How to Maintain your Majestic Lighting

Making your upgrade to Majestic last a lifetime.

You’ve made the decision to Make it Majestic and your house and property look amazing. We believe that quality is a lifetime commitment, and taking care of your lights is no exception.

Like a Maserati needs oil changes and tire rotations, top-performing lights need to be taken care of as well. Sure, our Built-in-America lights are backed by 20-year warranties, but that only covers certain breaks and failures. We want our lights to always look their best, and so it takes a little elbow grease to keep that Majestic look.

One quick note; we know how hard you’ve worked to get these lights – that hard work doesn’t leave a lot of time to do your own maintenance, or it may not seem as important as other things going on in your life. We get it. That’s why we offer an inexpensive maintenance program; our fully-trained technicians makes 2 checkups a year, cleaning, replacing, adjusting everything. We know that cleaning your landscape lighting probably isn’t your top priority – fortunately for you, it is ours, and we’d be glad to take the time and care to ensure your home stays beautiful.

Top 5 tips for maintaining your lights

Here’s a quick checklist of things that you can do around your home to get the brightest performance out of your Majestic Lighting!


  • Replace burned-out bulbs and fixtures – From the cheap light at Home Depot to our top-end products, any light will eventually need a bulb replacement. When a fixture goes out, and it’s still under warranty, give us a call at 817.345.3696 and we’ll help you with replacing it at no cost to you. Unless otherwise stated in our initial contract, all of our lights will be covered under a warranty (with a few exceptions like lightning strikes, etc).
  • Spray and Clean all Lenses of up-lights – Dust, dirt, and who knows what else are all going to end up covering the surface of any upward-pointing light. It’s just the nature of, well, nature. Spray it down with soapy water (we recommend using Kaboom! if you don’t want to purchase the expensive proprietary lens cleaner), and gently wipe with a soft cloth. This will make a dramatic difference immediately!
  • Bury exposed wired and fixtures – Wind, rain, and other Texas elements can uncover parts of a lighting installation that were previously buried. Exposing these wires and parts can be hazardous to people and creatures, so we recommend checking to ensure that they are covered. Our state-of-the-art LEDs are considered low-voltage, so luckily it’s not as dangerous to handle as traditional electrical work; it’s still best to be extremely cautious around live wires. We recommend you unplug the transformer before working on or around any exposed fixtures, or better yet, let us know and our experts will come out and take care of everything!
  • Trim shrubs around Fixtures – You may not notice it, but living landscape changes over time. A beam that is perfectly placed by our lighting designers is just one new leaf away from being obscured. You’ve paid for your lights, don’t let them become hidden!
  • Adjust Fixtures – Being outdoors can be rough, especially on your lighting fixtures! We do our best to affix our lights so they don’t move or wander; unfortunately they need a little check-up now and then. Shifting soils, accidental bumping, and a whole list of actions can move your beam angle, taking an expertly-placed light source and pointing it in a random direction. It seems trivial, but it makes a gigantic impact when you notice it!

Majestic Maintenance Program

For those on-the-go, landscape lighting maintenance is probably pretty far down on your priority list. We believe that our work speaks for itself and we want you do get every dime of value out of your investment, so we offer a Majestic Maintenance Program. Renewable every 12 months and based off the number and type of lights on your property, we send a fully-trained lighting technician twice per year to:

  • Replace Burned out bulbs/fixtures that are still within the Manufacturer’s Warranty
  • Spray and Clean all Lenses of your Up-Lights
  • Buries any exposed wires or Fixtures
  • Lightly trim Shrubs around Fixtures
  • Test Voltage
  • Adjust all Fixtures

For more information about our worry-free Majestic Maintenance Program, please call 817.345.3696 for a quote!

Know that our maintenance program is not an insurance policy and does not cover some things, which require additional charges. These include:

  • Damage from acts of God or natural phenomena (Insects, animals, Fire, Tornado, Lightning, etc.)
  • Damage or misuse of any wiring, transformer, or fixture.
  • Replacement products that have an expired manufacturer warranty from the time of the original installation.